Category: Passenger car motor oil
Viscosity: 5W-40
Specification: ACEA C3, API CF, API SN
Oil type: Synthetic
Approvals: API SN, BMW Longlife-04, GM dexos2™ (Lizenz-Nr. D20583HI081), MB-Freigabe 229.31, MB-Freigabe 229.51, VW 505 00, VW 505 01
Recommendation: Chrysler MS-11106, Fiat 9.55535-GH2, Fiat 9.55535-S2, Ford WSS-M2C917-A, Porsche A40, VW 502 00
Application: Passenger car
Technology: Clean Synto®
RAVENOL VMO SAE 5W-40 is a synthetic Mid SAPS low friction motor oil with CleanSynto® technology for passenger car gasoline and diesel engines with and without turbo-charging and direct injection.
RAVENOL VMO SAE 5W-40 achieves a high viscosity index through its formulation with special base oils. The excellent cold start behaviour provides an optimum lubricating safety during the cold run phase.
RAVENOL VMO SAE 5W-40 extends long life of DPF and TWC. Developed for fuel economy and energy conserving in EURO VI, EURO V and EURO IV Standard engines with normal and extended oil change intervals (until 50.000 km or 2 years possible).
RAVENOL VMO SAE 5W-40 minimizes friction, wear and fuel consumption with excellent cold start characteristics. Because of a considerable fuel saving RAVENOL VMO SAE 5W-40 contributes to protect the environment by reducing the emissions.
Suitable for extended oil change intervals where recommended by manufacturer.
Application Note
RAVENOL VMO SAE 5W-40 is an universal, synthetic low friction motor oil especially developed for Pumpe-Düse-diesel engines. Moreover, this lubricant is excellent suitable for gasoline and diesel engines in passenger cars and vans with and without turbo charger. Due to the specific composition is RAVENOL VMO SAE 5W-40 excellent suitable for use for several OEM requirements.
- Fuel economy in part and full power operation.
- MID SAPS = reduced Sulphated Ash, Phosphorous and Sulphur.
- Excellent wear protection and high viscosity index also under high-speed driving conditions, the long life of the engine.
- Excellent cold starting characteristics also at low temperatures below -30°C.
- The function of the hydro tappet is ensure at all temperatures.
- A safe lubricant film at high operating temperatures.
- Low evaporative tendency, so lower oil consumption.
- No deposits in combustion chambers, in the piston ring zone and valves because of oil conditioned.
- Neutrality towards sealing materials.
- Extended oil change intervals to protect natural resources.
Country Of Import: GERMANY
Country Of Origin: GERMANY